Getting a few tips pre race

Getting a few tips pre race

We had fun SUP racing for the keen ones , with technical tips for those wanting to improve.
Good turn out, especially as the weather was overcast . Had a great time on the lake followed by a solid surf session on the beach..
More pics here @ Sup Fanatic Facebook page …

Solid Surf session on Pegasus beach..Fred going hard

Solid Surf session on Pegasus beach..Fred going hard


Long distance race around the lake.

Demo day for SUP , with some windsurfing if wind comes through.


Sup Sailing across the lake

Time to just have fun & enjoying the day .

Sup Fun Pegasus

Play time on the water


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Pegasus Lake: -43.308137, 172.698233
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Pegasus Lake
Lake Pegasus, Pegasus, Canterbury, New Zealand